DONNA BLUZE Author/Actress

Short Biography

Hi! My name is Donna Bluze. I am the Author of “Chasing James Gandolfini.” Over the last several years, I have been in many films and TV shows.  Some of them include the original “Law and Order”, “Law and Order SVU” {one of which Robin Williams starred} and “Rescue me “with Denis Leary. I was also lucky to participate in some great movies as well. “I Am Legend” starring Will Smith, “The Taking of Pelham 123” starring John Travolta, and “Fighting” with Channing Tatum. There are many more, too many to count. The experience was unforgettable especially working in projects with Robert De Niro, Kevin Bacon and so many more talented actors. 

My Book “Chasing James Gandolfini” has a purpose.  I wrote it to help and inspire people and hopefully make them feel less alone.

Childhood trauma, low self-esteem, depression…bad choices…the past does not have to define you. You can do anything you put your mind to no matter where you started or how low you went.  Ask the Universe, believe it, pray and you can do anything.  I have Jim Carey to thank for this great advice …and he was so right. If you believe it…it will happen.

This Book is based on a true story.  It will take you on a wild ride of how focusing on making it on the Sopranos, was done to block out a painful reality. A picture with my favorite actor, James Gandolfini, was somehow going to make everything alright.  I hope you enjoy my book!!


All My Love….Donna


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